
Project Spotlight: Foundation Integrity Restored – Waterproofing Strategies at Riverchase Condominiums

At Architecture Support Group (ASG), we were tasked with addressing persistent basement leaks at Riverchase Condominiums. These leaks were not only compromising the comfort of residents but also posed a threat to the building’s structural integrity. Our goal was to design a solution that would restore the foundation’s integrity and prevent future water intrusion.

We began by excavating approximately 823 cubic feet of soil around the foundation perimeter to expose the vertical foundation wall and footing. This allowed us to properly assess the condition of the foundation and prepare the surface for waterproofing. After cleaning and prepping the wall and footing, we applied high-performance waterproofing materials designed for long-lasting protection.

Key Steps in the Process:

  • Excavation: Exposed the foundation to fully evaluate and address the source of water infiltration.
  • Foundation Preparation: Cleaned and prepared the foundation wall and footing to ensure the proper adhesion of waterproofing materials.

Waterproofing Installation:

We applied TREMproof® 250GC, a rapid-curing, fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing membrane, to cover approximately 320 square feet of the foundation wall. This high-solids, VOC-compliant product was selected for its ability to be applied to damp concrete—an essential feature given the conditions at Riverchase Condominiums.

Additionally, we installed HYDRODUCT® 220, a drainage mat designed to protect the waterproofing membrane and channel water away from the structure. To further enhance drainage, we integrated HYDRODUCT® Coil 600, a durable drainage strip that ensures high flow capacity and longevity.

Drainage System:

  • Installed 57 linear feet of 4-inch perforated schedule 40 pipe at the base of the foundation footing, wrapped in gravel and filter fabric for maximum water management.
  • Connected the downspouts to the solid drain pipe system, directing water away from the foundation.
  • Drainage tees were set up and connected to a 4-inch solid PVC pipe with cleanouts at three foundation corners, ensuring easy maintenance and extending the pipe to daylight for effective water discharge.

After completing the waterproofing and drainage installations, the trenches were backfilled in compacted lifts to guarantee soil stability and proper drainage. Finally, we graded the site and added seeding and straw to restore the landscape to its original state.

Products Used:

  • TREMproof® 250GC: A single-component, rapid-curing elastomeric waterproofing membrane. It is high-solids, VOC-compliant, and can be applied to damp or green concrete.
    Product Sheet: TREMproof® 250GC
  • HYDRODUCT® 220: A geocomposite drainage layer that provides efficient water collection and deflection, protecting waterproofing membranes and ensuring proper flow.
    Product Sheet: HYDRODUCT® 220
  • HYDRODUCT® Coil 600: A high-performance drainage composite designed to replace traditional perimeter drain systems with high durability and capacity.
    Product Sheet: HYDRODUCT® Coil 600
  • Preprufe® Detail Tape: A two-sided self-adhesive tape used for detailed waterproofing that performs well across various temperatures.
    Product Sheet: Preprufe® Detail Tape

By combining cutting-edge waterproofing technology with a comprehensive drainage system, the foundation at Riverchase Condominiums is now well-protected from future water damage. This project highlights ASG’s ability to deliver lasting solutions tailored to the unique challenges of community associations.